Thursday, August 05, 2010

Risk Management

There are many aspects of success in business. One aspect is mostly ignored by businessmen and pay for their ignorance. We hear success stories about great businessmen who took a huge risk, rather put everything they have on stake and made it larger than life. We rarely hear about the people who didn’t make it on the other side of the trench after taking their leap. I believe Success is not made in one day or in trade. But they are made in a period of time. "The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by single flight, but they while their companions slept were toiling upwards in the night". Survival with a steady growth is the mantra for what is desire from our business. Now what is it that will make our survival possible, in the downs of our business or in our incorrect trades?
Risk Management is the key to this lock! Risk management is not only about taking the right trades, but knowing your capacity of making losses, take the blow of the losses in tune with your capacity and still surviving to take another trade and not being pushed out of the market arena. Knowledge will give you the figures but discipline will make you act on it. People are often lured to take high risk for high reward ignoring the fact of their own capacity and they end up broke. Taking trades with no desperation and accounting the facts of profit and risk ratio, is the key to the success.


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